Shimla MC exempts property tax for newly merged areas for a year
The Shimla Municipal Corporation (MC) has announced a one-year property tax exemption for the newly merged areas of Mashobra, Beolia, and Lambidhar, which were recently integrated into the corporation’s jurisdiction.
As per regulations, property tax is not collected from newly merged areas for a specific period after their inclusion. Mayor Surender Chauhan stated, “In adherence to the rules, no property tax will be levied on building owners in these areas this year. Our focus is on providing essential services to the residents of these new wards.”
The MC is currently mapping the wards and preparing for a survey to determine the number of buildings in these areas. The survey is expected to begin soon.
In addition to property tax relief, the MC plans to introduce door-to-door garbage collection services in the newly merged regions. Residents will be required to pay monthly garbage collection charges, similar to other parts of Shimla. Recruitment of new employees is underway to roll out the service by next month.
The initiative aims to ensure that the residents of Mashobra, Beolia, and Lambidhar receive basic amenities while gradually integrating them into the municipal framework.