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Punjab Agricultural University organises12-day refresher course for alumni

Ludhiana, June 27 The Alumni Association, College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), here organised a 12-day refresher course for alumni to update their knowledge on different agricultural aspects. As many as 349 candidates attended the course. Dr Satbir Singh...
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Ludhiana, June 27

The Alumni Association, College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), here organised a 12-day refresher course for alumni to update their knowledge on different agricultural aspects. As many as 349 candidates attended the course.

Dr Satbir Singh Gosal, vice-chancellor, PAU, inaugurated the event and called upon the graduates to work hard to achieve their goals in life. He also urged them to strive to tackle the current challenges to agriculture in Punjab — depleting ground water, crop residue burning, and soil health issues — for the welfare of the farming community of the state and to sustain the natural resources for future generations.


Dr Charanjit Singh Aulakh, Dean of College and president, Alumni Association, wished the participants success in their future endeavours and asked them to be sincere in their duty in whatever field they decide to enter. He also encouraged them to take new initiatives in their career without fearing failure.

Stating that this was the first initiative of such kind by the Alumni Association, he added the association will continue holding such courses and lectures for the alumni’s welfare.


Numerous teachers from the different departments of the college — Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Climate Change and Agrometeorology, Extension Education, School of Organic Farming and School of Agricultural Biotechnology — delivered around 54 lectures voluntarily, covering all the basic aspects of agriculture and allied fields.

Dr SK Dhillon, course coordinator, said the candidates had shown great interest in the refresher course which also shed light on aspects like current affairs, numerical and mental reasoning.

Dr Pankaj Kumar and Dr Ranjit Singh were the course co-coordinators. The candidates said the course will prove of great help to them and that they wish to take part in more such initiatives in the future.

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