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Crack down on big fish in drug trade: Punjab Chief Secretary Anurag Verma

Chandigarh, June 26 Chief Secretary Anurag Verma on Wednesday ordered strict compliance of the directions of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann to curb drug menace. Chairing a state-level meeting of the Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD), the Chief Secretary asked the...
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Chandigarh, June 26

Chief Secretary Anurag Verma on Wednesday ordered strict compliance of the directions of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann to curb drug menace.


Chairing a state-level meeting of the Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD), the Chief Secretary asked the special task force (STF) of the police to focus on big drug traffickers who deal in commercial quantities and ensure strict punishment for them.

He also underlined the need for publicising Section 31 of the NDPS Act that dealt with punishment for habitual offenders. He said the officers should spare no effort in the crusade against drugs.


Emphasising the government’s commitment to waging a fight against the drug menace on the eve of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the Chief Secretary also said that a checklist should be prepared by the IO during the investigation and tick marked by him at the time of finalising the report.

Out of around 30,000 retail and wholesale chemists, only 134 wholesale and 463 retail chemists have been allowed to stock and sell restricted drug formulations.

He directed the taxation department to explore GSTIN and e-way bills to monitor the movement of trucks carrying narcotic and psychotropic items. He also said district-level NCORD meetings should be held regularly.

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