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128 kg heroin, narcotics destroyed via incineration at paper mill

Amritsar, June 26 In order to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the city as well as Amritsar (Rural) police today destroyed over 128 kg of heroin, besides other narcotics substances at the Khanna Paper Mill...
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Amritsar, June 26

In order to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the city as well as Amritsar (Rural) police today destroyed over 128 kg of heroin, besides other narcotics substances at the Khanna Paper Mill through incineration here today.

The police teams headed by Police Commissioner (CP) Ranjit Singh Dhillon and the Amritsar (Rural) police led by SSP Satinder Singh destroyed drugs.


The Amritsar (Rural) police destroyed 97.869 kg of heroin, 62,630 narcotic pills and capsules, besides 51kg of poppy husk seized in 46 cases.

The city police destroyed 31kg of heroin, 6.5 kg of narcotic powder, 1.98 kg of Ice (crystal methamphetamine), 1.49 kg of charas, 40 grams of smack and 14.82 lakh capsules and tablets. The drugs were seized in 96 cases registered under the NDPS Act. CP Ranjit Singh Dhillon said drive against drugs abuse would be intensified by curbing its supply in the city and villages.


“The police have been instructed to take investigation to a logical conclusion by unearthing all backward and forward links of the drug supply chain and arrest suspects involved in such illegal activities,” the CP said.

He said the Punjab Government had adopted zero tolerance approach against the drug menace. He said nobody involved in the illegal trade either directly or indirectly would be spared.

SSP Satinder Singh said people must join the narco-terror war unleashed by Pakistan-based entities by sharing information about those indulging in the deadly menace.

“When people join the fight, only then we can succeed in eradicating the drug menace and save society from the scourge,” he said. Dhillon said in the past 15 days the police nabbed 67 drug traffickers in 46 cases leading to the recovery of 4.899 kg of heroin, 1.5 kg of opium and Rs 29.85 lakh of drug money.

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