On Ganesh Chaturthi, the school welcomed the idol of Lord Ganesha on its premises with devotional prayer and ‘aarti’. The ‘prasad’ of ‘ladoos’ was distributed. Director Jasdeep Kalra and Principal Ritu Bali conveyed their greetings on the occasion saying that...
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Devanshu Arora, student of Class VIII-C of the school, won gold medal (taekwondo, 35-kg weight category) in the Inter-School State Tournament 2024-25 organised by the Education Department, UT, Chandigarh. School in-charge Tarun Chabbra and sports in-charge Yadav Shakti Dev encouraged...
The school, in collaboration with the Chandigarh Breast Cancer Trust, organised a vaccination camp for prevention of cervical cancer in girls. 46 girls were vaccinated under the guidance of Dr Gaurav Prakash, Professor of Oncology at the PGI, Chandigarh. Dr...
The school organised free eye camp for the students of Nursery to Class VIII. Eye specialist Dr conducted the camp, examining around 550 students with equipment. The objective of the general eye check-up was to detect early deficiency among children...
The school celebrated its 30th Foundation Day. The ceremony was inaugurated with a ‘havan’. Then the retired founder principal of the school, Ravi Sharma, congratulated everyone and said, “Any institution can touch heights on the basis of hard work.” He...
The school celebrated Teacher’s Day. In the morning assembly, students presented poetry, speech and songs on teachers. A poster-making competition was conducted for students. Principal Sangeeta Rani shed light on the life of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. She told the students...
As part of celebrating Ganesha Chaturthi, students were encouraged to create their own Ganesha idols using clay. The activity allowed them to express their creativity and learn the importance of eco-friendly practices. Through this process, students not only develop artistic...
In the ongoing Punjab School Games, the school’s U-19 (boys) football team won gold medal at the district level playing for Block 8. Playing against Block No 4, the team defeated the opposite team by 3-0 in an exciting match....
The school celebrated Teacher’s Day. Chairman of the school Rev Fr Aji K Chacko presided over the function and paid homage to Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Then the Principal congratulated the teachers and acknowledged the sincere efforts they put in every...
Teacher’s Day was celebrated in the school. The students of Class X played the role of the teachers and gave beautiful cards and greeting to their teachers. The morning assembly was conducted by the staff members. Students sang songs, recited...