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26-yr-old Tarn Taran youth to be part of Olympic hockey team

Tarn Taran, June 27 Residents of the area are delighted over the selection of 26-year-old Sukhjit Singh Sukha who hails from Jawandpur (Mianwind) village in the Indian hockey team which is to take part in the Olympic games to...
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Tarn Taran, June 27

Residents of the area are delighted over the selection of 26-year-old Sukhjit Singh Sukha who hails from Jawandpur (Mianwind) village in the Indian hockey team which is to take part in the Olympic games to be held in Paris (France ) in July.


Sukhjit Singh was born in Jawandpur village. His father Ajit Singh was selected in the Punjab Police 25 years back and the family migrated from the village and settled in Jalandhar. The family has a modest background. Bheeta Singh, a resident of Jawandpur village who is an uncle of Sukhjit Singh, said Sukhjit’s father himself was a hockey player and managed to instill love for the game in his son’s mind. Sukhjit was admitted to the state government-run hockey academy established in Mohali in 2006.

Sukhjit’s uncle Bheeta Singh has two sons. One is a hockey player with the academy run under the aegis of SGPC and the other plays for a Mohali-based academy.


Sukhjit’s uncle Bheeta Singh, Sarpanch of Jawandpur village SP Singh, hockey coach Balkar Singh, a resident of Ghasitpur village, Sarpanch of Mianwind Didar Singh and other residents of the area were of the view that the hard work done by Sukhjit Singh had borne fruit.

Sukhjit Singh who was in the camp held at Bengaluru said with the blessings of the Almighty, he had succeeded in achieving his goal of playing in the Olympics. He said that his parents admitted him to the academy when he was just eight years old. Ever since, his single target has been to be an Olympian.

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