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6-year-old Delhi boy drowns in hotel pool

Amritsar, May 31 A six-year-old boy, Advik Katiyal from Delhi, drowned in a swimming pool of a reputed hotel inside the Hall Gate area here on Wednesday evening. The police have registered a case against the hotel management on charges...
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Amritsar, May 31

A six-year-old boy, Advik Katiyal from Delhi, drowned in a swimming pool of a reputed hotel inside the Hall Gate area here on Wednesday evening. The police have registered a case against the hotel management on charges of culpable homicide not amounting to murder.

The police said investigation was in progress to find out how boy reached swimming pool and drowned, besides ascertaining negligence on part of the hotel authorities. Boy’s mother Shivali Katiyal said she and her family had come to pay obeisance at the Golden Temple. They checked in at the hotel and went to their room to take rest. Her son somehow reached swimming pool, she said. When Shivali did not find her son, she looked for him all around. When she wnt near the swimming pool, she found that her son had drowned. The boy was rushed to a hospital where doctors declared him brought dead.


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