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Artist Rashmita's solo art exhibition opens

Amritsar, September 23 The IAFA hosted a solo art exhibition by artist Rashmita Kanojia, who is exhibiting for the first time in city. The three-day exhibition was on Friday inaugurated by senior artist and president of art gallery Shivdev...
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Amritsar, September 23

The IAFA hosted a solo art exhibition by artist Rashmita Kanojia, who is exhibiting for the first time in city. The three-day exhibition was on Friday inaugurated by senior artist and president of art gallery Shivdev Singh along with senior artists and members of the IAFA, including general secretary Arvinder Chamak. Kanojia, who mostly works in mix media, presented art works based on the theme of co-existence.


She has been an art teacher and her art is observational in nature, driven by the environment, elements and individuals or instances around her.

According to the theme, Kanojia shares that her works represent interconnectedness of beings and nature, communal expression, goodness of humanity in its vein. Several elements that symbolized myriad emotions, elements of nature, through canvas, stood out as a reminder that everything in the universe is connected.


Kanojia also interacted with art students, who visited the exhibition as part of learning about her technique and genre. An interesting mix of miniatures and life-size paintings made the effect a bit surreal with her colour palate ranging from pastels to greys and neutrals. The exhibition is open for all till September 24.

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