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ASHA workers stage protest against retirement at 58, demand pension

Tarn Taran, June 18 Representatives of ASHA Workers Facilitators Sanjha Morcha, Punjab, lodged a strong protest against the state government for its alleged indifferent attitude towards their demands. The representatives presented a memorandum to Civil Surgeon Dr Bharat Bhushan on...
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Tarn Taran, June 18

Representatives of ASHA Workers Facilitators Sanjha Morcha, Punjab, lodged a strong protest against the state government for its alleged indifferent attitude towards their demands. The representatives presented a memorandum to Civil Surgeon Dr Bharat Bhushan on Tuesday. Seema Sohal, Lakhwinder Kaur Chabal, Ganga Devi, Beant Kaur, Jasbir Kaur and other leaders of the Morcha addressed the gathering.

The leaders of the Morcha flayed the Director, National Health Mission, for the orders issued to remove the ASHA workers who have attained the age of 58. The leaders demanded that they be retired at the age of 65 with a financial help of Rs 5 lakh and Rs 10,000 as monthly pension. The Morcha leaders also demanded jobs for their children on posts vacated by them after retirement.


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