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Book gives insight into economics to children

Amritsar, November 18 Children’s Day was celebrated in a unique way, by hosting an informative interaction with children’s author Deepa Aggarwal, at Majha House. She made an attempt to introduce the concept of micro-macro economics to children and discussed her...
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Amritsar, November 18

Children’s Day was celebrated in a unique way, by hosting an informative interaction with children’s author Deepa Aggarwal, at Majha House. She made an attempt to introduce the concept of micro-macro economics to children and discussed her latest book ‘Arthashastra for Children’, in conversation with Nazi Puri. Around 50 students from Spring Dale School participated in the programme and received an in-depth knowledge of how the economics of a country works.

Deepa was earlier an English teacher, but she left teaching and started writing for children. The conversation began around the need for such informative books for children, especially adolescents. Nazi asked Deepa about her book and its relevance. She informed the book is about Chanakya’s economics, which is relevant even today. “A prince followed a strict routine which included martial arts, horse riding, sword fighting, etc. Along with this, he also gained education on history and economics daily. Both skills were mandatory at the time, as it was considered an important aspect to run a kingdom. Today children are in great need of a routine, a disciplined life that gives them opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge about various subjects,” she said.


She shared that she is often asked why it is important to know about history. In response, she said the history of India is vast and there are many great things in it which can teach us a lot even today.

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