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Book on plants mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib released by VC Sandhu at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

The book titled ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib wich Paudian da Zikar’ is written by Dr Pushpinder Jai Rup
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Amritsar, June 22

Guru Nanak Dev University’s Center on Studies in Sri Guru Granth Sahib has released a new book on the plants mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib. The book is titled ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib wich Paudian da Zikar’ written by Dr Pushpinder Jai Rup, a historian and archivist. The book was released by Prof Jaspal Singh Sandhu, Vice-Chancellor, Prof Jai Rup Singh, former Vice-Chancellor, Guru Nanak Dev University.


Dr Jai Rup Singh said that this book provides complete details about the plants mentioned in the Shabads of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. “It explores a unique topic that has not been researched much. The book describes

various plants, their nature, and 59 different species, following the order of Gurmukhi letters.


It also includes important tables with valuable information,” he shared.

Vice Chancellor Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu praised the book, highlighting the Centre’s mission to research various aspects of Sikh studies. “The Center focuses on inter-faith dialogue, philosophical and theological studies, Gurbani music, linguistics, social and cultural studies, and translating Sikh literature. This book will be a great reference for scholars and researchers, and it will also increase the knowledge of everyday readers.”

The book is relevant, said Dr Jai Rup as it sheds light on the importance of preserving native species of plants that are significant for their botanical as well as spiritual value.

Dr. Amarjit Singh, Director of the Center, said that this book on plants mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib” is set to become a valuable resource for anyone interested in the botanical references in the sacred Shabads, connecting historical scriptures with modern botanical science.

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