Intense heat wave makes a comeback in Amritsar district
Amritsar, June 24
Heatwave has made a comeback with the highest temperature touching 42°C here on Monday. Residents in the district would likely face hot weather conditions as a forecast predicts temperature to rise further in the coming days.
As per weather prediction, the highest temperature would touch 45°C this week. Today, residents woke up to a comparatively hot day as the temperature had already risen to 28°C in the morning.
In comparison to the last few days, the morning temperature hovered around 25°C. Mild showers last week led to a significant drop in the temperature, which is again on the rise.
Along with high temperature, humidity in the air has also started increasing. It’s expected to increase further in the coming weeks.
“Last few days were so comfortable that residents started feeling that the summer had receded. But the happiness evidently was short-lived. Hot weather is back again,” said Sunita Sharma, a local resident.
While residents are anxiously waiting for the arrival of monsoon, it is expected to reach here in the first week of the next month. Increase in temperature has also increased demand for the electricity resulting in long scheduled and unscheduled power cuts.
“It’s been the longest dry summer in the last few years. Earlier, it used to rain which provided people some respite from heat. Last month the city received scanty showers. It has rained only once this summer,” said Harnam Singh, a senior citizen.