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JEE Advance results out; Divyamsh secures top spot in district again

Amritsar, June 10 The results of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced, 2024, were declared on Sunday. A Divyamsh, a student of FIITJEE, Amritsar centre, topped the district by getting AIR 541 followed by Himinish Verma, another student of FITJEE...
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Amritsar, June 10

The results of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced, 2024, were declared on Sunday. A Divyamsh, a student of FIITJEE, Amritsar centre, topped the district by getting AIR 541 followed by Himinish Verma, another student of FITJEE who secured AIR 902.



AIR 541


Aims to run startup

A student of DAV Public School, Divyamsh topped the district by getting AIR 541. Earlier, he had topped the district by scoring 99.96 percentile in the JEE Main in April this year. Divyamsh aspires to become an entrepreneur and run a startup in the field of artificial intelligence and digital space.

A student of DAV Public School, Divyamsh had earlied topped the district by getting 99.96 percentile in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main session 1 and session 2 in April this year. Divyamsh aspires to become an entrepreneur and run a startup in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital space.

Hailing from Bihar, Divyamsh believes in hard work than smart work. He is currently preparing for admission in one of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) while also considering non-engineering options.

This year, a total of 1,80,200 candidates appeared for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the JEE Advanced. A total of 48,248 candidates cleared the JEE Advanced 2024 exam, out of which 40,284 were male and 7,964 are female candidates.

Though JEE Advance results were declared on Sunday morning, due to frequent crashing of the website, students faced difficulty in knowing their results. Some students came to know about their results in the morning itself while others had to wait till afternoon or the next day.

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