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MC, police team remove encroachments in holy city

In a joint campaign, the Municipal Corporation and the police removed encroachments and rehris from the side verge on the stretch from Hussainpura Chowk to Pingalwara. The side verge slices the service lane from the main GT road. Harpal Singh,...
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The police tow away vehicle from no parking zone near Amritsar bus stand on Tuesday.

In a joint campaign, the Municipal Corporation and the police removed encroachments and rehris from the side verge on the stretch from Hussainpura Chowk to Pingalwara. The side verge slices the service lane from the main GT road.

Harpal Singh, ADCP (Traffic), said encroachments were taken away in three trucks from the stretch. He hoped that the encroachments would not return and it would provide ease in movement for traffic. In addition, the traffic police also held a meeting with private transporters who ply buses on the route from Amritsar to Pathankot to prevail upon them not to park buses together on the stretch. He said the police would challan those vehicles who do not move ahead after the arrival of another bus.

The ADCP said private bus operators were also warned not to use pressure horns in their vehicles. He informed that they would now start a campaign against auto-rickshaws who drive their vehicles in the service lane despite availability of the GT road which has a one-way stretch for traffic both ways along the ISBT.


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