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MC seizes single-use plastic from shops

Amritsar, November 27 The Health Wing of the Municipal Corporation carried out a raid at a prominant sweet shop in Basant Avenue and recovered 5-kg banned single-use plastic. A few other shopkeepers were also challaned by the team. Municipal...
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Amritsar, November 27

The Health Wing of the Municipal Corporation carried out a raid at a prominant sweet shop in Basant Avenue and recovered 5-kg banned single-use plastic. A few other shopkeepers were also challaned by the team. Municipal Health Officer (MHO) Dr Kiran Kumar headed the team that carried out checks at various commercial establishments in Basant Avenue.


During the checking of a warehouse of a famous sweet shop, the team found a stock of single-use plastic. The sweets were also stored in unhygienic condition in the warehouse.

Dr Kiran Kumar stated that fine would be imposed according to weight of the single use plastic confiscated from the spot and quantity of the unsegregated waste.


Meanwhile, a dairy was sealed at Laxmi Avenue. Dr Kumar stated that the dairy owner had given in writing that he would take the dairy out of the limits of the Municipal Corporation within one week.

The team also inspected Jahajgarh area as it had been receiving complaints that shopkeepers here were causing pollution by burning tyres and garbage in open. The team warned the shopkeepers of a legal action if they continued with the practice.

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