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Month-long summer art camp concludes with award ceremony

Amritsar , July 1 The Indian Academy of Fine Arts, in collaboration with the North Zone Cultural Centre (Patiala), organised various activities during the month-long summer art camp festival. The festival concluded with an award ceremony to honour the...
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Amritsar , July 1

The Indian Academy of Fine Arts, in collaboration with the North Zone Cultural Centre (Patiala), organised various activities during the month-long summer art camp festival. The festival concluded with an award ceremony to honour the participating learners. Chief guest Surinder Singh, Additional Municipal Commissioner, honoured the participants by awarding certificates and the expert artists were given mementos.


President of the Indian Academy of Fine Arts, Rajinder Mohan Singh Chhina, said about 120 children participated in the summer art camp, which was hosted from June 1 to 30. In the programme, several senior artists conducted workshops and classes to enhance the creative abilities of the participants. He said classes for painting, drawing, sketching, dance, song-writing, calligraphy, wood carving and drama etc. were organised during the camp. Performances were also held to of their skills every Saturday and Sunday.

He said: “We hosted portrait-making by Kulwant Singh Gill, rangoli by Dharminder Sharma and Atul Mattoo, puppet-making by Sanjay Kumar and senior artist Gurmukh Singh trained the children in digital art. The concluding ceremony also hosted a musical programme presented by the children, displaying their skills in art through public speech, music, dance and singing.”


Singh also encouraged parents to use their children’s vacations as a valuable resource and enhance their abilities through music, dance and cultural activities.

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