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Plaint against farmer for razing irrigation channel

Amritsar, June 27 At a time when farmers are demanding the revival of the canal irrigation system, a resident of Meerakot area has filed a complaint against a farmer for demolishing a ‘khal’ (irrigation channel). In a complaint to...
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Amritsar, June 27

At a time when farmers are demanding the revival of the canal irrigation system, a resident of Meerakot area has filed a complaint against a farmer for demolishing a ‘khal’ (irrigation channel). In a complaint to the irrigation department officials, retired professor Avtar Singh Uppal said a ‘khal’ behind his residence has been demolished by a farmer, Harjit Singh Sarkaria, of his village.


Uppal said the 11-foot wide irrigation channel was demolished as the farmer intended to use the land to cultivate paddy. “This would mean that the water from his fields would come in contact with the walls of my house and cause damage to them. Moreover, the state government and farmers too are trying to revive the canal irrigation system to decrease dependence on the groundwater,” said Uppal.

Uppal said he had pleaded with Sarkaria to not demolish the irrigation channel as it is a public property and using it for personal purposes is against the law. “I have written to the officials concerned to take action in this regard,” he said.


He said farmers have been demanding the revival of canal water system for irrigation purposes, but ironically Sarkaria has demolished the irrigation channel.

Wanted to use land for sowing paddy

Complainant Avtar Singh Uppal said a ‘khal’ behind his residence has been demolished by a farmer, Harjit Singh Sarkaria, of his village. The 11-foot wide irrigation channel was destroyed as the farmer intended to use the land to cultivate paddy.

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