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Soon, GNDU to inspect colleges

Amritsar, February 23 Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) has issued a letter to its affiliated colleges asking them to gear up for the beginning of periodic inspections. The university is going to start periodic inspections in its colleges and...
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Amritsar, February 23

Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) has issued a letter to its affiliated colleges asking them to gear up for the beginning of periodic inspections. The university is going to start periodic inspections in its colleges and these will be done district-wise in different phases. In the first phase, inspections will be carried out in the colleges of Jalandhar and Tarn Taran.


The decision of the university has been welcomed by AUCT, the association of college teachers of Punjab. AUCT secretary Prof Jaspal Singh said it was a long-standing demand that periodic inspections be conducted in colleges.

He said Vice-Chancellor Dr Jaspal Singh had promised this during a meeting with the representatives of the organisation in December 2022.


Prof Tarun Ghai, AUCT spokesman, said they would keep a close eye on teams that come for inspections so that the process is followed impartially.

The fee of students, service book of teachers and balance sheets of colleges would be checked during the inspection.

Prof Ghai said that like Guru Nanak Dev University, Panjab University and Punjabi University should also start inspections in their affiliated colleges, which have been stalled for the last 15 years.

Periodic inspections

  • The university is going to start periodic inspections in its colleges and these will be done district-wise in different phases
  • In the first phase, inspections will be carried out in the colleges of Jalandhar and Tarn Taran
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