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Take punitive action against canal patwaris on strike: BJP to AAP govt

Pathankot, June 2 Coming down heavily on canal patwaris, BJP leaders said their strike should be declared “unauthorised and illegal” and punitive action should be taken against them for taking part in an activity which goes against the interest of...
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Pathankot, June 2

Coming down heavily on canal patwaris, BJP leaders said their strike should be declared “unauthorised and illegal” and punitive action should be taken against them for taking part in an activity which goes against the interest of the farming community.

Dinesh Singh Babbu, the BJP candidate from Gurdaspur Lok Sabha segment, said the AAP government should get proactive and place striking patwaris under suspension. He said, “The Irrigation Department runs a wide network of canals to supply water for agriculture purposes. Canal patwaris are responsible for ensuring that water reaches tail end of canals and also other water courses so that farmers can get adequate water to irrigate their fields. These patwaris have been on an indefinite pen-down strike since May 16 putting hundreds of farmers to inconvenience.”


Notably, the Punjab Government spent Rs 2,100 crore to revive canals and “khaals” (water courses) so that water could reach fields of farmers. The identification of land to construct “khaals” is responsibility of canal patwaris. The “khaals” cannot be forcibly constructed and only canal patwaris can facilitate their construction. “The water protectors, as these patwaris are called, are causing a substantial loss by not facilitating the delivery of water to farmers’ fields. This is the perfect time to construct “khaals” because there is a two months’ period between harvesting of the wheat crop and sowing of paddy,” said a senior BJP leader.

Sukhdev Singh Maan, a senior office-bearer of the Canal Patwari Union, said the AAP government was using coercive steps against patwaris because they had refused to send a false report about 100 per cent water reaching villages located at the tail end of canals. — TNS


Rs 2,100 cr spent to revive canals

Notably, the Punjab Government spent Rs 2,100 crore to revive canals and “khaals” (water courses) so that water could reach fields of farmers. The identification of land to construct “khaals” is responsibility of canal patwaris. The “khaals” cannot be forcibly constructed and only canal patwaris can facilitate their construction.

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