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Two found dead in separate incidents

Amritsar, June 15 In two separate incidents, the police found two dead bodies of men in the city on Saturday. An unidentified youth allegedly died of drug overdose in Ward No.6 in Sultanwind area. The dead body of the youth...
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Amritsar, June 15

In two separate incidents, the police found two dead bodies of men in the city on Saturday. An unidentified youth allegedly died of drug overdose in Ward No.6 in Sultanwind area. The dead body of the youth was lying near the cremation ground. Some local residents found his body and raised the alarm. The youth appears to be around 25-30 years old. An eyewitness said white foam was coming out from his mouth and it is suspected that he died due to overdose of drug.

Residents of Sultanwind village said that he was not the resident of the village, but due to open supply of drugs in the area, addicts from the city and nearby villages visit the area.


Jasbir Singh, SHO, Sultanwind police station, said, “We found the dead body of the unidentified youth and we sent it for an autopsy. The cause of death is still to be ascertained. Owing to harsh heatwave conditions, there are chances that he may have died due to the heatwave. At the same time, we don’t rule out drug overdose as another reason behind his death, but it will be ascertained only after the post-mortem report.”

Earlier on Friday, an unidentified youth in Shiv Nagari area in Attari allegedly died of drug overdose. Immediately after injecting drugs, he fell on the ground and started writhing in pain. The body of victim was kept in the mortuary for identification.


A decomposed dead body of a 28-year-old youth was found at Mall Mandi this morning. The deceased has been identified as Sukhmandeep Singh, a resident of Tarsika village on the Mehta road. The deceased had been missing since June 11. He left the house for a barber’s shop.

He worked in Dubai, but left it some years ago. A relative of the victim suspected something wrong behind his death. “He was a drug addict, but had left his addiction after spending some time in a rehabilitation centre. The reason of travelling to the city is unknown. There must be someone who took him here. The body was badly decomposed, which gives ample proof that he died on June 11,” said a relative of the victim.

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