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Residents advocate shifting of cremation grounds

AMRITSAR: Rapid urbanisation has created stress on the city amenities including cremation grounds
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The Shivpuri cremation ground in Amritsar. Photo: Sunil Kumar

Neeraj Bagga

Tribune News Service

Amritsar, July 3


Rapid urbanisation has created stress on the city amenities including cremation grounds. In the past some decades, not even a single crematorium has been built in the city.

Two prominent cremation grounds at Chattiwind Gate and Hathi Gate are situated in the densely populated areas. Besides, there are many small cremation grounds operational in the city. Residents demand the shifting of cremation grounds from the densely populated areas.


However, both sites have become highly congested due to continuous flow of traffic, rampant encroachment and heavy rush. Locals feel that the city requires a sophisticated cremation ground with enough open space to park vehicles.

Former Health Minister Lakshmi Kanta Chawla pointed out that the Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) failed to devise plans to curb pollution. She said urban planners of the government need to devise holistic plan for the development of the city. She demanded LPG-run crematoriums to curb the pollution. It takes about one-and-half hour to cremate a body.

A conventional cremation consumes nearly 250-kg firewood, takes about six hours to complete the process.

Construction of the proposed state-of-the-art cremation ground near Gumtala bypass hit a roadblock after area residents irked at its location near their religious site went to the court.

A chunk of two acres and a provision of Rs 1 crore was also made to raise required infrastructure couple of years back. A digital survey of the land was carried out and a detailed project report was also made. According to the report, the ground will have ample sitting arrangement, a flower room, toilets, a meditation room, a 100 feet buffer zone of green belt.

It would have a provision for parking of 200 cars, about 30 raised platforms for cremation, LPG crematorium and other facilities. However, the plan remained only on paper and no attempt was made to find an alternate location.

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