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Eat, drink & exercise

Staying fit through the festive season can be daunting and exhausting and with all the excitement of the season it’s easy to get to off track.

Eat, drink & exercise


Sachin Kalra

Staying fit through the festive season can be daunting and exhausting and with all the excitement of the season it’s easy to get to off track. Based on studies, majority of people tend to gain additional weight during the festive season. Excessive eating and lack of physical activity and exercise are the main culprits.

Festivals and celebrations should not be an excuse to binge on unhealthy foods or to set aside your fitness routines. Always bear in mind that you can still enjoy the festivities and stay fit at the same time.

If you don’t want all previous efforts made towards your health, to go in vain, train and eat smart during this season.

It can be difficult, but here are some TIPS to help you enjoy the festivities and stay fit!

Prioritise: Make your workout a priority during the festive season. You should still perform your fitness routine whenever possible. Try to do them early in the morning while everyone else is still sleeping.

Intensity helps: Make your workout more intense or add an extra 10 minutes to your workout for an extra metabolism boost.

Active and kicking: If you can’t follow your workout routine, simply walk more, park your car some distance away from the store or just use the stairs!

Maintain: You might find it difficult to continue with your weight loss regime during the festive season. So, shift your focus to maintaining your weight, until you are back to your normal routine.

Don’t starve yourself: Even though it can be tempting to skip on certain meals, believing that it will make up for the treats consumed previously, don’t do it. It will only lead to counterproductive results. Reducing portion size is a better option.

Add on the fibre: Eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner on time and include fibre rich options. The fibre from these takes care of stomach satiety and also maintains hunger pangs.

Eat before heading out: It is best that you eat something before heading out to parties and dinners. By doing so, you will no longer be tempted to eat a lot or overindulge yourself since you have already eaten.

Choose wisely: Whether it’s the Diwali sweets you have received or the lavish dinner party spread, choosing wisely will make a big difference to the final amount of calories you are actually eating.

Drink in moderation: It is best to regulate your drinking since alcohol will only add more calories to the ones you have already eaten!

Drink a lot of water: This can satiate your appetite as well as keep you hydrated at all times. And it will also prevent a possible hangover if you overdo it with alcohol.

Indulge a bit: Trying to restrain yourself totally from all the yum foods will only make you feel deprived or set you up for a binge later on.

(Kalra is a Chandigarh-based fitness expert)

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