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Trading tricks of online promotions

THE WRITER IS COFOUNDER:Digital marketing has become an indispensable promotional tool for businesses aiming to have a strong online presence
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Vaibhav Vats

Digital marketing has become an indispensable promotional tool for businesses aiming to have a strong online presence. As consumers are becoming tech-savvy, entrepreneurs and digitally-enabled companies are expending considerable effort to build their brand through digital-marketing platforms. India is projected to add half-a-billion internet users to the existing number in the next five years. It is driving companies to turn to digital channels for promotions and to increase their profits in turn.

As companies feel the need to beat the competition in the market, there will be a rise in demand for people with digital marketing skills. It is estimated that more than 18,00,000 digital-marketing jobs will be present in the market by the end of 2020. This creates a great opportunity to build a successful career in the field of technology. 


Understand basic concepts 

Making a foray into digital marketing can be confusing without expert guidance. The various components (social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, content, web development, mobile marketing, analytics, AdWords, etc.) have their own rules in terms of what works and doesn’t. Experts can help you navigate through these different but connected realms to help you understand the basic concepts. A clear understanding will help you conceptualise, design, and execute online campaigns for different companies using the latest online-marketing tools. Taking training and getting certified can further work to your advantage in this career. Different tools and platforms also offer multiple certifications, of which the most prominent are Google Adwords and Analytics certifications, Bing ads, Facebook Blueprint certifications, and multiple content and inbound marketing certifications by Hubspot. Here are tips to help you enhance your chances of achieving success in this field: 


  • Work on your brand

Branding helps market or showcase one’s talent to attract better opportunities. Make it a point to exhibit your skills and achievements on your social media networks, especially LinkedIn, one of the best professional platforms. Create a winning resume that showcases your competencies.

  • Build relationships

In our increasingly inter-connected world, knowing the right people can make a huge difference. Reach out and build relationships to create a robust network on popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and make sure to share your recent accomplishments with them. Companies looking to hire you would like to have evidence in real-time of your ability to deliver a successful digital marketing campaign. Thus, you must have some examples of your work that are easily accessible on social media. Create blogs or vlogs connected to your area of interest and specialisation.

  • Don’t hesitate to start

Everyone has to take the first step, and your first potential step into the digital market space might turn out to be a great opportunity. You can keep updating yourself through employment sites, and look for alternatives while building up a portfolio. Learn while you work.

Specialisation & your interest 

Through digital marketing one can figure out potential customers of a service. Digital marketing, therefore, offers a wide range of career options that you can choose from on the basis of your interest or existing skills. You could choose to be:

  • Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) specialist
  • Social media marketing executive
  • Inbound marketing executive
  • Digital marketing executive
  • Email marketing executive
  • Campaign executive 
  • Content executive
  • Affiliate marketer
  • Graphic designer
  • SEO expert and
  • Copywriter

Know the latest trends

Unlike some other professions, where the basic foundation of required skills doesn’t change very often, digital marketing is a constantly evolving space. While the need for skilled and creative people in the field remains unchanged, but the methods and processes used for marketing can change very quickly. If these trends aren’t kept up with, you are likely to be replaced by someone more clued in. Keep yourself updated on the latest in digital marketing through online resources such as YouTube channels and blogs. 

The writer is co-founder, Digiperform

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