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J&K centre did research on Art 370

JAMMU: A Delhibased Jammu Kashmir Study Centre JKSC has facilitated the government at the Centre in taking the bolddecision of abrogating article 370 with one stroke by providing facts attached with historic documents
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Jammu, August 9

A Delhi-based Jammu Kashmir Study Centre (JKSC), has facilitated the government at the Centre in taking the ‘bold-decision’ of abrogating article 370 with one stroke by providing facts attached with historic documents.

Article 370 and constitutional validity of Article 35-A was brought under the scanner by a Jammu-based engineer, Daya Sagar, who is a member of the JKSC. “For years together, a false narrative was created about Article 370. We conducted a study of this article and provided documented-based facts to facilitate its abrogation”, Abha Khanna, Director, media of JKSC, said adding, “It was all due to the research conducted by the JKSC this wrong impression was removed that Article 370 cannot be scrapped”.Khanna further said the JKSC team of legal experts had countered arguments of Kashmir experts that Article 370 could not be abolished.


Registered in 2011, the JKSC is the brain child of RSS ideologue Arun Kumar and journalist- turned researcher Ashutosh Bhatnagar who constituted teams of legal luminaries, university teachers and researchers to conduct study of all issues pertaining to J&K. — TNS

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