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11 years on, Zirakpur bypass project back on track

NHAI comes up with new plan for Zirakpur road
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Vehicles stuck in a traffic jam at a light point in Zirakpur. - File photo

The Zirakpur bypass project is back on track after remaining stalled for nearly 11 years. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has come up with a new plan for the construction of a six-lane bypass with a 200-foot width to ease traffic congestion in Zirakpur. The project will provide an alternative route to commuters going to Shimla from Ambala side.

During a meeting of the 23-member Unified Metro Transportation Authority (UMTA), chaired by UT Administrator Gulab Chand Kataria yesterday, the NHAI gave a presentation on the project.

The NHAI stated that a plan had been prepared to construct a bypass connecting Zirakpur and Panchkula. The route will provide a direct connection to traffic heading to Himachal Pradesh, thus reducing congestion in the tricity area. Moreover, it is strategically important as it will offer a signal-free connectivity from the Chandimandir Western Command Headquarters to the Chandigarh airport.


The proposed bypass will span nearly 16.5 km, starting from the Patiala-Zirakpur light point and ending at the old Panchkula light point. The bypass will cross the McDonald’s on the Ambala-Zirakpur highway, pass through Peer Muchalla, Sanoli, Gazipur and Nagla before merging with the Sectors 20-21 road in Panchkula.

An official said the project would remove traffic bottlenecks from several places in Zirakpur and Chandigarh, including the Zirakpur-Patiala light point, Big Bazar traffic lights, K Area point and the Airport Road lights etc.


Raminder Singh, a resident of Zirakpur, who works in Sector 17, said the project would be a great help for commuters like him as it took nearly an hour to reach office. With the completion of the project, a large number of vehicles would be diverted to the bypass, he added.

The NHAI highlighted that a rapid development of Mohali, Zirakpur and Panchkula around Chandigarh has significantly increased traffic in the tricity area. To address this, the development of a ring road around the Chandigarh area was discussed during a meeting of the Northern Zonal Council in Amritsar.

It was proposed that the NHAI, in collaboration with the stakeholders, including the governments of Punjab and Haryana, and Chandigarh Administration, should prepare a plan for the development of the ring road. This project, funded on a cost-sharing basis, will enhance interstate connectivity and ease traffic congestion in the tricity area.

Signal-free connectivity

The route will provide a direct connection to traffic heading to Himachal Pradesh, thus reducing congestion in Zirakpur and Chandigarh. Moreover, it will offer a signal-free connectivity from the Chandimandir Western Command Headquarters to the Chandigarh airport.

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