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5 challaned during Safe Vaahan drive

In a move to ensure the safety of schoolchildren and promote adherence to road safety rules, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Dudhan Sadhan, Kirpalvir Singh, conducted a checking drive under the Safe Vaahan Policy in the Devigarh area. Five violators were issued...
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Dudhan Sadhan SDM Kirpalvir Singh conducts a checking drive in the Devigarh area of Patiala on Tuesday. PHOTO: RAJESH SACHAR

In a move to ensure the safety of schoolchildren and promote adherence to road safety rules, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Dudhan Sadhan, Kirpalvir Singh, conducted a checking drive under the Safe Vaahan Policy in the Devigarh area. Five violators were issued challans.

The SDM emphasised that the initiative followed a series of proactive measures aimed at discouraging underage driving. He stated that two meetings were held with school principals and heads to highlight the risks associated with underage students riding motorbikes and scooters. Notices were sent to parents through schools, urging them not to allow their children to engage in such unsafe practices. To further raise awareness, public announcements were made across all villages in Dudhan Sadhan sub-division before initiating the challaning drive. “This campaign is crucial to safeguarding school-going teenagers who expose themselves to significant risks by riding bikes and scooters without proper authorisation,” said Kirpalvir Singh.

He reiterated the administration’s commitment to road safety and urged parents and schools to cooperate in ensuring a secure environment for students.


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