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Another PGI Prof stakes claim to post of Dean (Academics), moves tribunal

Do not accept joining report of Dr Surjit Singh till next date of hearing, orders CAT
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Ramkrishan Upadhyay

Chandigarh, June 26


Dr RK Ratho, professor and head of the Department of Virology, PGI, has also staked claim to the post of Dean (Academics) of the PGI. Ratho is the second professor of the institute who has moved the tribunal staking claim after Dr Naresh Panda.

In an application filed before the Chandigarh Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) through counsel Rohit Seth, he said Panda was superannuating on June 30 and he was the next senior-most eligible faculty member of the institute after Panda.


Ratho said Panda had earlier filed the application against the order dated March 8 issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide which Dr Surjit Singh had been appointed as Dean (Academic). He said on his application the Bench in its order dated March 11 had directed the PGI Director not to accept the joining report of Dr Surjit Singh as Dean (Academics) till the next date of hearing.

Ratho also prayed for similar interim relief and said during pendency of the present application, the operation of order dated March 8 should be stayed. He said when the post of the Dean (Academics) is going to be vacated on June 30, he is the next in line in seniority as per the recommended panel sent by the PGI Director to the ministry. In accordance with this, he should be considered for the post of the dean and in the interregnum be given the officiating charge of the post based on seniority as given to Panda.

On the other hand, the counsel for the Ministry of Health and PGI Director submitted that the present application was premature as no cause of action had arisen as on date.

After hearing the arguments Ramesh Singh Thakur, Member (J) of the tribunal, said the main ground for challenging the action of the respondents was that they had recommended and prepared the panel of faculty for the post of Dean (Academic) and the name of Dr Surjit Singh was not in the panel.

The applicant contended that earlier Panda had filed an application, wherein this tribunal had passed an order and the respondents were directed not to accept the joining report of Dr Surjit Singh.

Counsel for the applicant submitted that after Panda’s retirement the applicant was the next in line in the seniority list as well as in the panel for the post of Dean (Academic).

The tribunal after considering the matter was of the view that the application involved a similar question as listed for consideration on July 3.

In order to maintain judicial propriety and while taking into account that the applicant is at number 2 in the panel for post of Dean (Academic), some protection has to be granted. Resultantly, respondents were directed not to accept any joining report till the next date, the tribunal said.

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