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Blood Donor Day: Chandigarh hospitals conduct camps

Chandigarh, June 14 The Department of Transfusion Medicine, GMCH, Sector 32, organised a blood donation camp on the hospital premises to mark World Blood Donor Day today. The theme this year is ‘Celebrating 20 years of giving: Thank you blood...
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Chandigarh, June 14

The Department of Transfusion Medicine, GMCH, Sector 32, organised a blood donation camp on the hospital premises to mark World Blood Donor Day today.

The theme this year is ‘Celebrating 20 years of giving: Thank you blood donors’.


The camp was inaugurated by Prof Ashok K Attri, Director-Principal, GMCH-32. Blood donors included GMCH faculty, staff, students and resident doctors.

The department also organised two outdoor camps at the Sector 17 Bridge Market and the Sector 20 computer market. A total of 280 units were collected at these three camps.


Dr Ravneet Kaur, Head, Department of Transfusion Medicine, GMCH, thanked donors and donor organisations for their continuous support.

Meanwhile, the Department of Transfusion Medicine, PGIMER, conducted three blood donation camps to mark World Blood Donor Day. These were held at Swaraj Engines Ltd, Industrial Area, Phase 9, Mohali, the Sector 17 Bridge Market and Blood Donation Centre, Advanced Trauma Centre, PGIMER. A total 350 volunteers donated blood at these camps.

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