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Chandigarh: Burail Jail goes green

Chandigarh, September 20 The Model Central Jail, commonly referred to as Burail Jail, has now become self-reliant in power and meets all its energy requirements through solar power with a total capacity of 710 kWp. It has become first such...
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Chandigarh, September 20

The Model Central Jail, commonly referred to as Burail Jail, has now become self-reliant in power and meets all its energy requirements through solar power with a total capacity of 710 kWp. It has become first such facility in the country.

The total capacity included on-site solar power plant installation of 360kWp under the net metering arrangement and off-site solar power plant installation of 350kWp at the outer parking area under virtual net-metering.


Earlier, a 150kWp SPV power was installed under the net metering arrangement and a 350kWp solar plant under virtual net metering.

The inauguration of the 350kWp SPV power plant was done by UT Adviser Dharam Pal on April 22, 2022. During the inauguration, the Adviser had directed CREST and the jail authorities to make the prison “net zero”. Thereafter, CREST installed an additional 210kWp solar power plant under a net metering arrangement.


Now, complete electricity requirement of the prison is being fulfilled through solar power.

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