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Chandigarh Admn to collect, transport wastewater from Faidan village to nearest STP

Fails to lay sewers due to topographic conditions
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Dushyant Singh Pundir

Chandigarh, June 8


Unable to lay sewers due to topographic conditions, the UT Administration has decided to collect and transport untreated wastewater from Faidan village in the city to the nearest Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).

In an affidavit submitted to the National Green Tribunal (NGT), the UT Environment Department has stated that nearly 3.5 MLD (millions of litre per day) wastewater goes untreated. This is generated from Faidan village, which is densely populated and is on the boundary of Chandigarh and Punjab. Because of its topography, it is difficult to lay sewer line for the collection of wastewater. To solve the issue, the UT Administration has already done the demarcation of the area as Faidan village is connected to Jagatpura village in Punjab without any boundary. Public hearings are being conducted by the UT Administration to vacate the area for laying of sewer line for the collection of wastewater. In the meantime, the Municipal Corporation (MC) has decided to collect and transport the wastewater from this area to the nearest STP for treatment. The MC has also already made a provision for Rs 4.5 crore for collection and transportation of wastewater from Faidan village to the nearest STP.


A drain in the middle of the village.

On the status of liquid management in the city, the department stated that eight STPs were operating in various parts of the city with a total treatment capacity of 255.1 MLD. Out of these eight STPs, six are meeting latest norms, while the remaining two have been upgraded and are already in trial/stabilisation mode. After stabilisation/trial run, these STPs will also meet the latest norms.

The department submitted that city generates 232 MLD of sewage, but only 228.5 MLD is utilised at present. The gap of 3.5 MLD wastewater, which goes untreated, is generated from Faidan village.

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