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Garbage dumping issue lingers on in Mohali

Mohali, June 23 Stalemate over the site for dumping of garbage in Mohali city continued for third day even as the Municipal Corporation, GMADA and the administration failed to arrive at any solution on Sunday as well. The Local Bodies...
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Mohali, June 23

Stalemate over the site for dumping of garbage in Mohali city continued for third day even as the Municipal Corporation, GMADA and the administration failed to arrive at any solution on Sunday as well.

The Local Bodies Department has blocked the entry for vehicles carrying garbage from the newly developed sectors, at the Phase-8 Industrial Area dumping site, as well as 14 Resource Management Centres in the city. No alternative site has been designated for garbage disposal.


Mohali MLA Kulwant Singh has maintained a silence over the issue.

Mohali Municipal Commissioner Navjot Kaur, who has been out of station for the past some days, was likely to join office today.


“On one hand all types of diktats are being issued for sanitation staff to segregate wet and dry waste, on the other the officials are silent over the waste generated from public places. Where will that waste go?” asked a councillor.

Deputy Mayor Kuljit Singh Bedi announced that he would sit on a hunger strike from Monday if the solution was not found to the problem.

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