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Heaps of waste raise a stink in Mohali

Savreet Kaur Mohali, June 27 Heaps of mixed wet and dry waste are lying behind the Phase 3B2 market, Sector 60, and near the roadside in Phase 7, Sector 61, for the past four days. The situation is similar in...
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Savreet Kaur

Mohali, June 27

Heaps of mixed wet and dry waste are lying behind the Phase 3B2 market, Sector 60, and near the roadside in Phase 7, Sector 61, for the past four days. The situation is similar in various parts of the city, but the Municipal Corporation officials are apparently apathetic to the problems being faced by residents.


Since dumping at the Phase 8 Industrial Area site has been stopped, the garbage problem has been increasing with every passing day.

Palli, a worker at a dhaba in Phase 3B2, said, “Yesterday, MC workers came here and picked up garbage only from one side. I don’t know when they will come to collect the waste from the other side. There are no bins to collect garbage from the market area.”


In Phase 7, foul smell from piles of garbage is making passersby uncomfortable.

Manish, a resident of Phase 7, said, “The MC negligence is affecting the environment, and we are facing problems too. We even filed a complaint, but they ignored it.”

MC Commissioner Navjot Kaur refused to comment on the issue.

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