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Mohali MC apathetic to poor sanitation: Residents

Savreet Kaur Mohali, June 28 Scrap, plastic, waste tiles, waste food items and other discarded articles mixed with soil have been found in the major areas of Phases 7, 9 and 11 of SAS Nagar. The roadsides, residential areas and...
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Savreet Kaur

Mohali, June 28

Scrap, plastic, waste tiles, waste food items and other discarded articles mixed with soil have been found in the major areas of Phases 7, 9 and 11 of SAS Nagar. The roadsides, residential areas and markets have been affected as Mohali MC continues to neglect the problem.


Dalip Singh, a sanitation worker in Phase 11, said, “Ever since the dumping ground has been closed, we have been facing various challenges. The Municipal Corporation has neither provided us with facilities nor are the segregation machines working properly. We even tried to contact the MC Commissioner to express our concerns; however, we have been ignored.”

Supervisor of the Resource Management Centre in Phase 11, Surinderpal Singh, said, “The pile of garbage has been increasing every day. We can segregate wet waste; however, items such as diapers, sanitary pads, and other materials are hard to recycle, and we do not have enough labour. Every resource centre should have 5 workers; however, we only have 3.”


Similarly, Vijay, a residential garbage collector in Phase 9, expressed his concerns, stating, “We collect garbage from society every day and send it to the RMC. Yet, the main issue is the overloaded heap, and it takes so much time to segregate waste.”

Amit, a Phase 7 resident, said, “The foul smell of wet garbage has been spreading here for some time, causing inconvenience to all the residents of the area.”

The overloaded garbage pile has been kept at the Resource Management Centre for the past 5 days. MC Commissioner Navjot Kaur did not comment on the issue.

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