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No double parking fee for outstation vehicles in Chandigarh

Chandigarh, June 13 According to the notification issued for 89 smart paid parking lots, the first 20 minutes will be free of cost for pick and drop in 84 parking lots of the city. There will be no free parking,...
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Chandigarh, June 13

According to the notification issued for 89 smart paid parking lots, the first 20 minutes will be free of cost for pick and drop in 84 parking lots of the city.

There will be no free parking, while the resolution on levying double the charges on outstation vehicles has been rejected. However, there will be no increase in the existing parking charges for two and four-wheelers in the 84 parking lots in the first slab of four hours, i.e. Rs 7 and Rs 14, respectively. Slab rates have been introduced to ensure an optimum utilisation of parking space.


Shell out Rs 5 extra on cash payments

Parking in underground facilities has been incentivised with Rs 5 discount. Visitors making cash payments will have to shell out Rs 5 extra for all categories of vehicles in all slabs.


This will encourage digital transactions and also help in preventing corrupt practices by parking staff, said the MC.

Monthly passes have also been introduced at minimal rates of Rs 300 per month, for underground parking and Rs 400 for surface parking. The new rates will be applicable once the MC allocates the parking lots to some agency.

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