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Chandigarh: Sensory park set to be reality soon

Sandeep Rana Chandigarh, July 16 After a long gap of four years, a sensory park for people with special needs is set to come up in Sector 22-D as the Chandigarh Smart City Limited (CSCL) has received the lowest bid...
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Sandeep Rana

Chandigarh, July 16


After a long gap of four years, a sensory park for people with special needs is set to come up in Sector 22-D as the Chandigarh Smart City Limited (CSCL) has received the lowest bid for the same.

According to officials, they have received bids from different agencies for setting up the facility at an existing park in Sector 22-D. In the financial bid opened recently, BS Builder quoted the lowest price of about Rs 67 lakh and is set to get the allotment for constructing a full-fledged sensory park.


The CSCL has been planning to build this park since 2019. It had first planned to set up the park in Sector 35, but later a site in front of Sector 22-D gurdwara was finalised. The CSCL earlier failed to find any takers for the project despite floating tenders several times.

The project will have a combination of sensory-integrated play equipment and amenities along with green area. The park will stimulate five senses — taste, sight, touch, smell and hearing. The purpose of this initiative is to provide individual and combined sensory opportunities to users, who may not normally experience these. The park will have four zones — Equipment, play, experiential and nature.

It will also have toys, mirrors, games, clock panels, kaleidoscope and playhouses. Project components include tactile paving, specialised play equipment, mounds and maze with hedges, chalkboard, scribble and feature walls. The park will also have universal accessibility for all age groups, creation of a holistic and inclusive environment, mobility and motor skills.

To have four zones

  • The park will have four zones — Equipment, play, experiential and nature
  • It aims at providing individual and combined sensory opportunities to users, who may not normally experience these
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