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Water from Kaushalya Dam to quench Kalka residents’ thirst

Panchkula, June 21 To end the drinking water problem faced by residents of Kalka, the district administration has decided to provide them the supply from Kaushalya Dam. The Kalka area has been facing issues pertaining to supply of drinking...
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Panchkula, June 21

To end the drinking water problem faced by residents of Kalka, the district administration has decided to provide them the supply from Kaushalya Dam. The Kalka area has been facing issues pertaining to supply of drinking water since long.


Deputy Commissioner Yash Garg today said a project would be prepared for the same. Garg, who was presiding over a meeting for an action-plan regarding pollution of Ghaggar river, said, “We will soon allot tenders for the project to supply water from Kaushalya Dam.”

He said waste water from Pinjore city was being discharged into Kaushalya river near the Parwanoo bypass. The DC directed the officials concerned to inspect the spot and stop the contamination. He also issued directions to identify land for drainage of sewage, which was ending up in Jhanjar river from a Pinjore drain.


The administration has also decided to identify land for establishment of STP in Rajiv Colony and Indira Colony.

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