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Zirakpur: Power crisis exposes functioning of council

Sanjay Bumbroo Mohali, June 19 Power outage for two days in Zirakpur and its adjoining areas had exposed the functioning of the MC authorities as the generator sets attached with tubewells failed to function, causing water scarcity in the whole...
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Sanjay Bumbroo

Mohali, June 19

Power outage for two days in Zirakpur and its adjoining areas had exposed the functioning of the MC authorities as the generator sets attached with tubewells failed to function, causing water scarcity in the whole region. People were forced to buy potable water from the market.


According to information, there are around 80 tubewells which supply water to around 5 lakh residents in Zirakpur and its adjoining area. The MC had purchased 12 generator sets for tubewells a few years ago. The civic body had appointed tubewell operators, who also ran the generator sets, but after the complaints of diesel theft, the authorities stopped the use of these generator sets.

In the absence of proper maintenance, the generator sets lying unused have become junk. The contract for operating all 80 tubewells in the city is with a single contractor who operates these at his own will. Most of the tubewells are reportedly without operators.


It will cost lakhs of rupees to repair the generator sets. Parts of most of the sets have been stolen.

Meanwhile, MC Executive Officer (additional charge) Jagjit Singh said during the past two days of power crisis, the council had rented around eight generator sets and supplied water to colonies through 25 tankers. When he was apprised of the fact that the generator sets installed by the MC for tubewells in the city were becoming junk, he said he was not aware of it. He, however, said the MC had decided to procure two new generator sets.

During the Assembly elections, the poor water supply in the region had become an election issue. The leaders of various parties had promised to take steps to bring canal water to Zirakpur.

Sets lying unused for long time

The MC had purchased 12 generator sets for tubewells a few years ago. The civic body had appointed tubewell operators, who also ran the generator sets, but after the complaints of diesel theft, the authorities stopped the use of these generator sets.

Official not aware of matter

Meanwhile, MC Executive Officer (additional charge) Jagjit Singh said during the past two days of power crisis, the council had rented around eight generator sets and supplied water to colonies through 25 tankers. When he was apprised of the fact that the generator sets installed by the MC for tubewells in the city were becoming junk, he said he was not aware of it.

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