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Delhi Metro breaks record with 60.17L daily riders in May

New Delhi, June 6 The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Thursday said it was ensuring a comfortable travel experience for commuters by maintaining a temperature of 24°C in its trains, despite the sweltering heat. According to a recent...
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New Delhi, June 6

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Thursday said it was ensuring a comfortable travel experience for commuters by maintaining a temperature of 24°C in its trains, despite the sweltering heat. According to a recent statement, the DMRC achieved a record high daily ridership of 60.17 lakh passengers in May, surpassing last year’s figure of 52.41 lakh.


“During this summer, when Delhi crossed all-time high temperatures on multiple occasions and with no immediate respite in sight, Delhi Metro offered its services across the network by performing over 4,200 train trips, covering around 1.4 lakh km daily. This provides much-needed relief to commuters with a 24°C pleasant commuting experience throughout the day,” the statement added.

The DMRC has introduced afternoon breaks for its employees. “Apart from operations, on the project (construction) front, the DMRC has implemented the provision of providing breaks to the workforce during the afternoons due to the ongoing heatwave.


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