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MCG faces backlash over unresolved complaints at ‘Samadhan Shivirs’

The Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG) has been organising ‘Samadhan Shivirs’ for the past six weeks to address local residents' civic issues. However, some residents are returning repeatedly with unresolved complaints, alleging their problems are not being properly addressed. MCG...
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Sewerage leak near Khandsa Chowk in Sector-37C at Gurugram.

The Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG) has been organising ‘Samadhan Shivirs’ for the past six weeks to address local residents' civic issues. However, some residents are returning repeatedly with unresolved complaints, alleging their problems are not being properly addressed.

MCG officials, on the other hand, insist no complaint has been closed without the complainant's satisfaction. They claim all complaints are still in progress and departmental action has been taken against officials where lapses were found.

On Wednesday, Gaurav Pandey, a shopkeeper from Huda Market in Sector 10, attended the ‘Samadhan Shivir’ for the second time to report a blocked sewer line causing sewage overflow in the parking area. He said the problem had been raised multiple times over the past three months but to no avail.


Rao Bhagat Singh, President of the RWA (Residents Welfare Association) of Uppal's Southend Society, also came for the second time, complaining a water pump had not been repaired despite his previous visit to the ‘Shivir’ on November 6.

Rajesh Yadav, President of the RWA of Sector 15 Part 2, expressed frustration over unpaid maintenance funds for parks, stating the civic body had failed to release the payments for the past five months.


Kamal Chand, president of Valmiki Samaj from Kadipur village, also returned to the ‘Samadhan Shivir’ with an unresolved complaint about a water leak in the main pipeline at Neetu Sweets Shop Road. Similarly, Vikas Kumar, a resident of Ward 9, complained about a leaking sewerage pipe that had remained unfixed for the past 15 days.

These are just a few examples of ongoing civic problems that have not been addressed by the MCG. As of Wednesday, out of a total of 909 complaints received, 441 had been resolved, 30 rejected and 438 were pending.

MCG Commissioner Ashok Kumar Garg stated all complaints received at the ‘Samadhan Shivirs’ were attended to; however, some problems require additional funds, machinery or time to resolve. He said all complaints would be handled in a time-bound manner and action would be taken against officials if any lapses were found.

He added show-cause notices have been issued to two engineers and one taxation clerk, while four engineers had 15 days' salary deducted for failing to address public complaints.

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