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Pink, PwD booths set up to ensure inclusive voting

To enhance accessibility and encourage voter participation, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has set up dedicated pink booths and PwD (Persons with Disabilities) booths across all zones. In the Civil Lines zone, the pink booth and PwD booth have...
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Election officials at a polling booth on Tuesday. Mukesh Aggarwal

To enhance accessibility and encourage voter participation, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has set up dedicated pink booths and PwD (Persons with Disabilities) booths across all zones.

In the Civil Lines zone, the pink booth and PwD booth have been designed with a focus on comfort and empowerment for women and PwD voters.

The pink booth, located at the Government Boys Senior Secondary School in K-Block, Jahangirpuri, Delhi, follows the theme “Leading Women, Leading Nation.” Managed entirely by women, this booth aims to highlight the strength and leadership of women in shaping the nation’s future. The initiative seeks to inspire women voters by offering them a welcoming and hassle-free voting environment.


For PwD voters, a special booth has been established with the theme “Achievers,” showcasing standees of prominent personalities from the divyang community who have excelled in various fields. The booth recognises the resilience and achievements of PwD individuals, aiming to motivate voters from the community to actively participate in the democratic process.

Rakesh Kumar, Deputy Commissioner of the Civil Lines zone, assured that these dedicated booths will provide an accessible and user-friendly experience for all voters. He urged residents, particularly those in the Civil Lines zone, to come out and vote, emphasising the significance of making their voices heard in the upcoming elections.


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