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Sanjay Camp, where getting tanker water is an ordeal

Samad Hoque New Delhi, May 31 As the national capital continues to reel under a water crisis, getting water from a tanker is no less than an ordeal for residents of Sanjay Camp in Chanakyapuri. The residents said they face...
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Samad Hoque

New Delhi, May 31


As the national capital continues to reel under a water crisis, getting water from a tanker is no less than an ordeal for residents of Sanjay Camp in Chanakyapuri.

The residents said they face several challenges while fetching tanker water. Around 2:30 pm, they await for a Delhi Jal Board water tanker with their containers.


Kiran (35) of Sanjay Camp said water pipelines have not been laid in their area and they get contaminated water supply from a borewell. “Every summer, we face the water crisis. A number of embassies are situated in our area, but look at our condition. Embassy waale humko paani thodi denge (Embassy will not give us water). Every day, we rush with our containers to get water when a tanker arrives.”

“We use the tanker water for drinking and cooking purposes, while the borewell water is used for cleaning and washing utensils.”

Leela (60), a resident, said most of the people here work as daily wagers and they cannot afford packed mineral water every day.

“Water pipelines should be laid in the area so that we don’t have to fetch water from tankers,” she added. Leela said power poles have been erected in the area, but wiring has not been done.

Gungun (19) had a slip when she climbed atop a water tanker to fix a pipe. She said sometimes, they sustain injuries while fetching water. “What can we do as we have to struggle every day for basic necessity,” she said.

Meanwhile, residents of Kalibari in President’s Estate complained of contaminated water supply.

Bimla (30) said, “For the past 10 to 15 days, we have been getting contaminated tap water and initially, we found worms in the water. So, we tied a cloth to the pipes to filter the water, but to no avail.”

The residents said only they are at the receiving end in their area. Most of the women residing in the locality work as domestic helps in nearby apartments.

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