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Severe water shortage hits Lutyens Delhi

New Delhi, June 18 Residents of Lutyens Delhi have been facing significant water shortages as the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has announced drastic reductions in water supply to key areas. The NDMC attributes the cutbacks to inadequate underground...
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New Delhi, June 18

Residents of Lutyens Delhi have been facing significant water shortages as the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has announced drastic reductions in water supply to key areas. The NDMC attributes the cutbacks to inadequate underground sources, which are reportedly up to 40 percent below the required levels, exacerbating the water crisis in the heart of the city.


During a press conference on Tuesday, NDMC member Kuljit Singh Chahal expressed grave concerns about the escalating situation. “The Delhi Government promised to provide free clean water to every house; however, today Delhi is struggling. We all have seen the visuals. Our water supply, which was around 115-120 million litres per day, has gone down to 60-65 million litres per day — almost half,” Chahal said.

The situation is further aggravated by declining water levels at the Wazirabad barrage, a crucial raw water intake point for Delhi’s primary treatment plant. NDMC officials have identified several sections of Lutyens Delhi, including Ashoka Road, Barakhamba and Windsor Place, as areas set to experience significant supply reductions. This marks an unprecedented crisis for regions that have historically enjoyed water security.


Highlighting the critical shortage, NDMC vice-chairperson Satish Upadhyay said, “There are three areas in New Delhi where there is water shortage. We require 125 million litres per day of water, whereas the available water is 80 million litres per day. We have written letters to the Delhi Jal Board from time to time. The need of the hour is to ensure proper water management.”

Emphasising the importance of judicious water use, Upadhyay said, “We have urged people and associations to use water judiciously. Despite installing a new pipeline and providing a tap in every fifth house in JJ clusters like Sanjay Camp and Vivekananda Camp, water shortages are still being met by tankers.”

Criticising the Delhi Government, Upadhyay accused it of failing to provide adequate water and succumbing to corruption. “The Delhi government is not giving us adequate water, saying they are not getting water from the source. This government is drowned in tanker mafia, tender mafia and corruption. Officials of this government have been accused of taking bribes as high as Rs 60 lakh per month from tanker mafias,” he alleged.

Upadhyay also called for proactive measures to address recurring summer shortages. “Water and electricity issues arise every summer season. It’s the government’s responsibility to prepare for the season and make provisions in advance,” he added.

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