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Two-storeyed house collapses, Labourer dies

A labourer died while two others were injured after a two-storeyed banquet hall collapsed in North West Delhi’s Model Town area during heavy afternoon rain on Saturday afternoon, officials said. The incident took place in Mahendru Enclave where the...
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A collapsed house in the Model Town area of North West Delhi during heavy rain on Saturday.
  • A labourer died while two others were injured after a two-storeyed banquet hall collapsed in North West Delhi’s Model Town area during heavy afternoon rain on Saturday afternoon, officials said.
  • The incident took place in Mahendru Enclave where the old building, which was being repaired, collapsed around 2.45 pm, they said.
  • With the help of the police, NDRF personnel and other rescue team members, three people were taken out of the rubble and sent to a nearby hospital.
  • The police said the building was about 50 years’ old and was closed for the past few years. Some labourers were doing the repair work as it was in a dilapidated condition. TNS
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