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Four Indian nationals in US die due to COVID-19

New York, April 6 Four Indian nationals in the US have died due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a Malayalee diaspora organization.   Aleyamma Kuriakose (65) died in New York due to the COVID-19 infection. The Federation of Kerala Associations...
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New York, April 6

Four Indian nationals in the US have died due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a Malayalee diaspora organization.

Aleyamma Kuriakose (65) died in New York due to the COVID-19 infection.


The Federation of Kerala Associations in North America (FOKANA) confirmed the deaths of three other Indian nationals due to coronavirus – Thankachan Enchenattu, 51, Abraham Samuel, 45, and Shawn Abraham, 21.

FOKANA is an umbrella organisation of Malayalee associations in North America and Canada.


The organisation and members of the community expressed profound sadness over the demise of the persons, expressing condolences to their family and friends.

The Consulate General of India in New York said that it is in touch with the families of the deceased.

New York, the epicentre of the pandemic in the US, has over 113,000 coronavirus cases in the US. New York City alone has more than 63,000 coronavirus patients, and over 2,620 deaths.

The state had also recorded the highest single increase in the number of deaths from COVID-19 in a single day between April 2 and 3 when 562 people had died, one person dying from coronavirus almost every two-and-a-half minutes.

In the 24 hours since April 4, the death toll grew to 630, “all-time increase” up to a total of 3565, up from 2,935 on Friday morning, Governor Andrew Cuomo said.

Cuomo has said the apex in the state, the point where the number of infections on a daily basis hits the high point, is still about 4-8 days away. PTI

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