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Shinda Kahlon, close associate of AP Dhillon, was only person in Vancouver house at time of firing

Videos circulating on social media show at least 14 shots fired into the Colwood home as a car in burns in the driveway
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Punjabi singer and rapper AP Dhillon with Shinda Kahlon. Photo credit: Instagram/ShindaKahlon

Chandigarh, September 3

Gunshots were fired outside the house of Punjabi singer AP Dhillon in Victoria Island in Canada's Vancouver on Monday.

The only person in the house at the time of the firing was Indo-Canadian rapper Shinda Kahlon, a close associate of AP Dhillon’s. He was unharmed, reports princegeorgepost.com.


Videos online showed a person firing 14 shots into the front windows and garage of the home, while a black truck and a smaller vehicle burned.

As per the website, a neighbour said she woke up in her bed to the sound of gunshots.


As she made her way to her upstairs kitchen window to look outside, a car sped down Ravenwood.  She looked over and saw “little balls of flame” around a truck parked in the driveway next door.

That truck was burned beyond repair by the time first responders arrived, she said. Remnants of the vehicle identified the truck as a Dodge 1500 eTorque.

A second car parked in the driveway, a Roadster-type vehicle, was also burned, she said.

“The only person in the house at the time of firing was Shinda Kahlon,” she said.

Two neighbours said their security cameras captured a black vehicle driving around the cul-de-sac at 1:08 a.m. on Monday around the time the shots rang out.

Police arrived minutes later and the street was closed off for several hours.

Videos capturing the shooting are under the scrutiny of the security agencies. The incident has drawn significant media attention due to Dhillon's prominent status in the music industry, and the potential implications of the attack.

Gangster Goldie Brar's  role is also suspected behind the incident, though an official word from the law enforcement authorities in Canada is awaited.

Goldie Brar is a member of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi's gang. Authorities are actively looking into the incident to ascertain the motive behind the shooting and to ensure the safety of Dhillon and his neighbours in Vancouver.

Dhillon is known for blending the 80s style synth-pop with Punjabi music. His rise on the global canvas has been meteoric owing to songs like ‘Brown Munde', ‘Excuses', ‘Summer High', and ‘Insane', among others.

Goldie Brar has been designated as a terrorist under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act by the Ministry of Home Affairs in India. He has also been named among the top 25 most wanted fugitives by Canada's BOLO (Be On Look Out) programme, which has offered a reward of $50,000 for information leading to his arrest.

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