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Tragic negligence

Akhnoor bus mishap calls for accountability
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The suspension of six J&K transport department officials following a mishap in which an overloaded bus fell into a gorge in Akhnoor, leaving 22 dead, underscores the dire need for accountability and systemic reform. The bus, with a capacity of 55, was carrying around 85 passengers. Such blatant disregard for norms and the fact that the bus was previously challaned for overloading are a sorry reflection on the regulatory mechanism. The situation is exacerbated by the poor condition of roads in Jammu district. Most of them are poorly maintained and have sharp bends, leading to frequent accidents. Last year alone, over 890 lives were lost on J&K’s roads.

The magisterial inquiry and the suspensions must lead to a paradigm shift in road safety and the enforcement of rules. It is also imperative to address the root causes of frequent accidents. The inquiry panel, tasked with submitting its report within a week, must operate in a thorough and transparent manner. It should also look into the regulatory framework. The involvement of technical experts in analysing the wreckage and the inclusion of eyewitnesses’ testimonies are critical to getting to the bottom of the matter.

This bus accident should catalyse a comprehensive review of transport policies and practices. Perfunctory investigations ordered after every major mishap have failed to curb the fatal errors committed by drivers. Robust measures to improve road infrastructure, scale up driver training and stringent enforcement of traffic regulations are essential for fostering safe driving practices in the long run. It is crucial to ensure that justice is served so that devastating losses are prevented. Only through rigorous accountability and proactive measures can we hope to transform our roads from deathtraps to safe pathways for all.


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