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Celebration at Sachin Tendulkar Foundation was a starry affair

Marking half-a-decade of serving the less-privileged, the Sachin Tendulkar Foundation (STF) held a close-knit celebration in Mumbai at The Bombay Club. Tributes from friends, family, well-wishers and non-profit partners flowed, as STF reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring better living with...
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Sachin Tendulkar with wife Anjali, daughter Sara and British singer Chris Martin

Marking half-a-decade of serving the less-privileged, the Sachin Tendulkar Foundation (STF) held a close-knit celebration in Mumbai at The Bombay Club. Tributes from friends, family, well-wishers and non-profit partners flowed, as STF reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring better living with primary focus areas of health, education and sports for children.

With Sagarika Ghatge
With Shankar Mahadevan

The theme of the evening, ‘Shine Brighter Together’ shed light on the Foundation’s core idea of impacting lives, especially children, through sports, health and education.

Meanwhile, Coldplay’s Chris Martin was in attendance and engaged in a tete-a-tete with Sachin Tendulkar on stage.


Pressing on the Foundation’s journey, Sachin shared, “When I walked back to the pavilion one last time, I had an inkling in my mind that my innings was far from over. Anjali and I had this vision to do something to ease living for the less privileged and give young dreamers some assistance to believe in themselves and take flight. We realised that the germination of the idea was easier than implementing it. Eventually, STF came into being and now we’ve traversed half-a-decade of doing our bit.”

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