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Dancing divas

Tricity’s Tanya & Tanisha shine at the World Dance Championship
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Tanya and Tanisha, the 14-year-old twins, who have made a mark as dancing prodigies, have once again brought pride to their country with a series of impressive wins on the international dance stage. The twins represented India in a series of European competitions. At the World Dance Championship in Budapest, Hungary, they secured first place in the Open Style category, second place in the Lyrical and Contemporary category, and the Unique Performer Award in the duet category for their innovative dance approach.

Tanya said, “The competition was quite tough as there were teams from all over the world. We won awards in different dance genres all due to the composure we maintained and our dance skills. We are thankful to our mentors Sameer sir, Sakshi ma’am and Harpreet Dubey ma’am who imbibed in us these qualities.”

Tanisha said, “Looking back, we started as kids who simply learnt and performed dance. Over the period of time, we developed immense love for this art form and dedicated ourselves fully—practising rigorously, exploring new styles, participating in reality shows, winning competitions, and creating professional dance videos. I believe all this helped us a lot at the European competitions.”


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