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10 Karnal couples issued notices for delay in pregnancy registration

26 villages with low sex ratio identified
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Parveen Arora

Karnal, June 7


In a move to ensure timely registration of pregnancies, the Health Department has issued notices to 10 couples for delaying the registration of their pregnancies. According to the authorities concerned, this initiative is aimed at monitoring each pregnancy to ensure the overall well-being of both mother and unborn child.

As per the rules, it is mandatory to register every pregnancy. The expectant mothers or their family members are required to report the pregnancy to the department within the first trimester. This allows the department to monitor the health of the mother and the feotus as well as track the expectant mother.


The department has sought a reply from the couples to explain within 15 days the reasons behind the delay in the registration of pregnancies. The couples belong to various blocks — two each from the Assandh, Nilokheri and Indri blocks, one from the Karnal block and three from the Nissing block.

“Our team members, with the help of ASHA and anganwari workers, keep a vigil across the district to monitor each pregnancy. Our team observed that in the past four months, 10 couples have failed to register their pregnancies on time, which raises questions about their intentions,” said Dr Sheenu Chaudhary, Deputy Civil Surgeon (PNDT and Family Welfare).

She said that early registration was crucial for ensuring proper antenatal care for expectant mothers, as it contributed to reducing the maternal and neonatal mortality rates.

In addition, the department had identified 33 villages in April with a low gender ratio. Similarly, 26 villages with low gender ratio have been identified — five under the Kunjpura Community Health Centre (CHC), two under the Gharaunda CHC, two under Nilokheri, seven under Assandh, one under Indri, two under Taraori and Ballah each and five under the Nissing CHC. These villages have populations of more than 2,500 and the gender ratio of less than 800. Extensive awareness campaigns are being conducted in these villages.

Karnal Civil Surgeon Dr Krishan Kumar said the district’s sex ratio jumped from 908 in 2023 to 950 in the first five months of 2024. “We are hopeful that our efforts will bear fruit in the coming days and that the district will be at the top in the state for sex ratio,” he added.

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