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3,070 beneficiaries allotted plots under CM’s scheme in Rohtak

Draw of lots held, Nayab Singh Saini to hand over allotment letters tomorrow
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Tribune Reporters

Rohtak, June 24


A draw of lots was conducted for the allotment of 30 square yard plots to 3,070 beneficiaries of the Chief Minister’s Urban Housing Scheme in Rohtak today. It was organised at Tagore Auditorium on Maharshi Dayanand University campus for the allotment of plots to Antyodaya families of widows, Scheduled Castes and nomadic communities.

 ADC Vaishali Singh and other officers conduct draw of lots for plot allotment in Rohtak on Monday. Tribune photos

Beneficiaries of the scheme stated they were staying in rented houses and would construct their own house on the plots allotted by the government. “It will be a big support for me as I will not have to change houses,” says Urmila, a young widow with two children, who works on daily wages to make ends meet. Kiran, who lives in a rented house with her son, said she and her son work as labourers and she also gets a widow pension. “We are thankful to the government for providing us a space of our own to live with dignity,” she maintains.

The draw was held under the supervision of a team constituted under the chairmanship of Rohtak Additional Deputy Commissioner Vaishali Singh. She said the Haryana Department of Housing for All had implemented the Mukhyamantri Shahri Awas Yojana for people of Antyodaya families living in urban areas.

“Under this scheme, the Antyodaya families with an annual income of less than Rs 1.8 lakh are being given plots of 30 square yards each in the urban areas,” she maintained. She said 7,176 applicants from the district have applied online in various categories, of whom plots were allotted to 3,070 applicants today. “Plots in Sectors 5, 21, 27 and 36 have been alloted to them,” she added.

Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini will hand over the allotment letters of these plots to the beneficiaries of the scheme at a state-level ceremony in Rohtak on June 26.

438 residents get plots in M’garh under scheme

Mahendragarh: As many as 438 residents of Mahendragarh were allotted one-marla (30 sq yard) plots under the Mukhya Mantri Shehri Awas Yojana in Narnaul town here today. The draw of lots was conducted in the presence of applicants, Additional Deputy Commissioner Deepak Babulal Karwa and District Municipal Commissioner Mahavir Prasad. The beneficiaries will be given provisional allotment letters during an event to be organised at the ITI in Narnaul on June 26.

“Applicants had registered themselves for the plots from September 13 to October 19 last year. Later, a total of 438 applicants had deposited the booking amount of Rs 10,000. They will be given plots in Sector 9-A and 10 of Mahendragarh under the first phase of the scheme,” said an official.

“After the completion of the process of draw, the details of plot numbers will be sent through the SMSes on the mobile numbers of beneficiaries on June 25. These beneficiaries will be handed over the provisional allotment letter of the plot in the programme to be held at the Government ITI, Narnaul, on June 26. Buses have been arranged by the district administration to ferry the beneficiaries,” he said.

853 families benefit

from scheme in Sirsa

Sirsa: Under the Chief Minister’s Urban Housing Scheme, 853 families from Sirsa district were allocated plots through the draw, including 53 from nomadic tribes, 71 widows, 276 Scheduled Caste families, and 453 families from other economically weaker sections in the first phase. The allocation was done through a draw held at the Multipurpose Hall of Ch Devi Lal University in Sector-20, Sirsa. Deputy Commissioner RK Singh was the chief guest of the event.

The DC said certificates for plots allocated under the scheme will be distributed virtually to beneficiaries across 14 cities of the state during a state-level event in Rohtak on June 26. He explained that families who applied for plots under the scheme between September 13 and October 19, 2023, and whose annual income is less than Rs 1,80,000 were eligible for the first phase benefits. He said this initiative is one of the government’s significant schemes aimed at benefiting economically weaker families.

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